We walked into the service this morning as the wife of the pastor held a tiny little baby. The eleven day old infant had been dropped on the steps of the little church orphanage on Friday. Apparently the mother was desperate to get help for her baby and she could not provide.
I took the little nameless girl into my arms and held her through the joyful singing and swaying of the congregation and then Danny’s preaching. She never made a sound, but occasionally opened her eyes and seemed to respond to me when I whispered to her. I couldn’t help but think of her mother and wonder if she was crying over her decision to give up her daughter. Where was she now and what is her situation. I could only hope this little baby would find a godly family who would raise her up in the statutes of the Lord. Certainly God has a plan for her as he does for all of us. God has been so good to let us minister to so many hurting pastors and missionaries. They are overworked and tired but never give up. God has opened doors that we never expected with people of all denominations. Many have never been taught the Bible or know very little. Over one hundred attended this week alone. It’s amazing that they are so open to going deep in the Word and will ask questions for hours. It’s so refreshing to see such a hunger for Truth. This week Danny will continue teaching pastors out in remote areas and I will be attending Bible study with a group of women, several in missions and some from the community. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers as we remember you in ours. Cathy and Danny Sartin www. deeperstillmissions.com Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved This on the field report is written for those who support Deeper Still Missions and our goal of missionary retention. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe from reports just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134.
Many see the Word of God. . .few observe!
Deuteronomy 6:7–9 (NIV) 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Are you reminded of your faith in Christ when you enter your home? Do you carry your faith home? The Hebrew people would place a box with scripture inside to remind themselves. Following are two Bible Dictionary entries to give some background on this practice. MEZUZAH* A Hebrew word, used about 20 times in the OT, that means the upright framework of a door or gate. The blood of the Passover lamb was smeared on the “mezuzah” of the house (Ex 12:7, 22–23). In Deuteronomy 6:9 and 11:20, the Hebrews were instructed to write the commandments on the doors of the houses and on the city gates. This practice is still followed by the Jewish community. Every Jewish home has a small metal or wooden container mounted about shoulder-height on the doorpost of the house. This container, which itself became known as a mezuzah, has inside a small piece of parchment inscribed on one side with the words of Deuteronomy 6:4–9 and 11:13–21, and on the other side with the word Shaddai, the Hebrew name for God Almighty. On the outside the mezuzah has embossed the Hebrew letter shin, the first letter of the nameShaddai. Every time a pious Jew enters or leaves the house, he or she will touch the mezuzah and then kiss the fingers as he repeats to himself the words of Psalm 121:8: “The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever” (nlt).[1] MEZUZAH (Mĕ zūʹ zȧ) Hebrew term for “doorpost.” Ancient doors pivoted on posts set in sockets. The blood of the Passover lamb was to be applied to doorposts (Exod. 12:7, 22–23). At the beginning of the new year, blood was to be applied to the doorposts of the temple to make atonement for it (Ezek. 45:19). The command to write the words of the Shema (Deut. 6:4–9; 11:13–21) on the doorposts of one’s home, like the command to write them on one’s heart (Deut. 6:6), is a challenge to remember always that love of God is central to faith. At a later time these commands were understood literally. Today mezuzah refers to small scrolls inscribed with Deut. 6:4–9; 11:13–21 placed in a container attached to the doorjambs of some Jewish homes.[2] Does the Word of God affect how you live in your home? Would the members of your family see your faith each day? What reminders are present to influence your behavior? We pray that the Word of God changes how you think, feel and most importantly how you live at home. Cathy and Danny Sartin Deeper Still Missions Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. Bible Nuggets are written for pastors and missionaries who desire to go deeper still in God’s Word. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe from Bible Nuggets just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. nlt New Living Translation [1] Elwell, W. A., & Comfort, P. W. (2001). In Tyndale Bible dictionary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. [2] Brand, C., Draper, C., England, A., Bond, S., Clendenen, E. R., & Butler, T. C. (Eds.). (2003). Mezuzah. In Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. We were going across the veldt when we saw the wasp pulling his prey. We got out of the safari vehicle to take a closer look. The deadly wasp was dragging a tarantula to his hole. He had been paralyzed by a sting from the wasp. You could tell he was still alive because some of his legs were moving slowly. The spider had to be five times heavier than the determined little wasp. He could tug the hulk of a body across the rocks as he headed to his hole. He was to be food for the future wasp offspring’s. The larva would feast on the carcass during their growth period. The wasp noticed us and let go of the spider while he flew around attempting to scare us away. At the same time he was inspecting his hole where the spider would be placed for keeping. I thought of the many ways Satan can paralyze us. He can get us so busy with so many things that we become paralyzed by the massive list of things to do. Unable to focus on one we shy away because of the large number of things coming at us. This is the principle used by lion trainers when they use a chair. The animal is not capable of focusing on more than one leg at a time. He tries to get all four when he swats his large paw. No focus and he hits none of them. How many things does Satan have you focused on? Are you overwhelmed with things to do? 35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.m 36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”n[1] Take some solitary time just like Jesus and sort your priorities. Do you know why you are here? Then decide what you can say no to. We are praying for you. Cathy and Danny Sartin (1) The Holy Bible: New International Version. Electronic ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Mark 1:35-38 Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. Life Nuggets are written for those who support Deeper Still Missions and our goal of missionary retention. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe from Life Nuggets just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. m See Lk 3:21 n Isa 61:1 [1] The New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. My mind is cluttered with snapshots from the last two weeks. Our pace was fast but each picture was telling and touching. Meetings with missionaries, staff and pastors exceeded our expectations. The schedule that was full of activity in Knysna, George, Plettenburg Bay, New Horizons Township, Horn Lee Township, Leisure Island community, Brenton on the Sea and the YFC office.
The first picture was on Saturday morning as I drove into the township looking for my contact. Buses surrounded my rendezvous point but I recognized no one at the time. I realized I left my phone behind to charge and here I am looking for a men’s gathering in a community I have never been too. A quick prayer for guidance caused me to drive around for a few minutes looking and walked into an Apostolic church where I saw a crowd. It was the wrong location but they did give me some directions that sent me on a further search. I continued to try and follow the directions based upon my poor understanding of Afrikaans. But I ended up at a dead end and people walking the streets couldn’t help but notice the big white man driving their township. So I stopped a man walking down the road and asked for his help. My only lead was a written invitation that I showed to this man. He happily said I will help you and he ran around the car and jumped in. This was the help I needed and he carefully guided me through the neighborhood to an isolated community center. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the YFC staff member I had been searching for. This friendly neighbor was headed to a funeral and said he had an invitation to the men’s breakfast and promised to see me later. There were over twenty-five men in the room awaiting breakfast, a movie and this special guest who would speak to them. I greeted each one individually and created a laughing stir as I went around the room. They were so light hearted and welcoming. Afterwards one young man shared his heart with moving tears of pain and joy. He had never known his earthly father. A second photograph was the church I spoke in on Sunday morning. When Cathy and I pulled up in the yard of the church building we were confronted with cattle grazing on the church grounds. It looked as if they had sneaked in while the gates were open for the service. They were certainly enjoying the soft green grass of the church yard. The loud and vibrant singing echoed through the vicinity. At the close of the service four young men came to the front of the church seeking a personal relationship with Christ. Cathy and I prayed with them as they placed their trust in our Lord and savior. A third snapshot was hours of Bible study with volunteers from Germany and the Staff of Knysna YFC. Their appetite for God’s Word seemed to have no end. Observations, questions and thundering answers left an electric atmosphere. Please. . .can we do more? A fourth snapshot was the celebration of twelve ladies graduating from their six month sewing class and the gift of the sewing machine they had been using. These ladies come from HIV/Aids situations in their townships. They had been trained to become a Dorcas for their neighborhood. One of the ladies wept continually as she tried to say thank you to the leaders! The most poignant picture in my heart is the smiles of missionaries who spent hours with us sharing, praying, laughing and feeling refreshed. The powerful hugs at our parting spoke volumes. The universal question was. . .you will be back won’t you? Continue praying as we have now returned to Amathunzi and will be moving to Mpumalanga soon. www.deeperstillmissions.com Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. This on the field report is written for those who support Deeper Still Missions and our goal of missionary retention. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe from reports just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. |
Danny SartinFour decade veteran of youth ministry in churches, Youth For Christ and now is the Founder and Executive Director of Deeper Still Missions. Danny and his wife Cathy spend most of their time mentoring missionaries in Africa, Europe, Central America and North America. Future opportunities include South America and the Asia Pacific area. Archives
November 2023