Many see the Word of God. . .few observe! 8 hYou shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.[1] What does it mean to have a sign on your hand or between your eyes? Here is the Hebrew word from the Gesenius Lexicon: אוֹת (for אוֹת from אָוָה No. III; comp. أَيَةُ or اَيَةُ sign for أَوْيَةُ from اوى), Pl. אֹתוֹת m. and f. (comp. sing, Gen. 9:12; Ex. 4:8, plur. Ex. 4:9; Josh. 24:17), a sign (Ch. אָת, Syr. ܐܳܬܳܐ pl. ܐܳܬܘ̈ܳܬܳܐ). Exod. 12:13;Josh. 2:12; Gen. 1:14; וְהָיוּ לְאֹתוֹת וּלְמוֹעֲדִים “and they shall be (the lights of heaven) for signs and times,” i.e. by ἓν διὰ δυοῖν, signs of times. It is-- (1) a military ensign, and specially that of each particular tribe, differing from דֶּגֶל standard, which be-longed to each camp of three tribes, Num. 2:2, seq. (2) a sign of something past, which serves to keep it in memory, Ex: 13:9, 16; Deu. 6:8, hence a memorial, monument, Isa. 55:13; Eze. 14:8.-- (3) a sign of something future, a portent, τύπος τοῦ μέλλοντος [?] (Rom. 5:14), i.q. מוֹפֵת. Isa. 8:18; “behold, I and the children whom Jehovah hath given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from Jehovah of hosts,” i.e. by the names divinely bestowed upon us, all of which are of good omen (יְשַׁעְיָה “the salvation of God,” עִמָּנוּאֵל “God with us,” Isa. 7:14; 8:8; Shear Jashub, 7:3); God makes us types of future things as signifying future welfare. [Gesenius does not understand the true reference of the passage; we know, from Heb. 2:13, that Christ is speaking of himself and the Church, God’s children given him for redemption, brought into blessing while the nation of Israel continues in unbelief.] Comp. Isa. 20:3; Eze. 4:3. (4) the sign of anything which cannot itself be seen, Gen. 1:14, ex. gr. “the sign of the covenant,” circumcision, Gen. 17:11, of the sabbath, Ex. 31:13, hence, token, proof, argument, Kennzeichen, Beweis; comp. Lat. signum, Cic. Invent. 1, 34; Gr. τεκμήριον, σημεῖον, Job 21:29, and hence a miracle, as a sign of the divine power, i.q. מוֹפֵת Deu. 4:34; 6:22; 7:19; 29:2; 34:11, see my remarks at length on Isa. 7:11; [see Matt. 1:23, as to the meaning of the passage]. Of the prophetic sign or [“token of the truth of a prophecy, viz. when God, or the prophet as his interpreter, foretells some minor event, the fulfilment of which serves as asign or proof of the future fulfilment of the whole prophecy. Ex. 3:12; Deu. 13:2, 3; 1 Sa. 2:27–34; 10:7–9; 2 Ki. 19:29; 20:8, 9; Isa. 7:11–14; 38:7, 22; Jer. 44:29, 30, comp. Mar. 13:4; Luke 1:18; 2:12.” Ges. add.][2] Faith in God is a heart conviction that cannot always be seen by others. God said to Abraham, 11 You are to undergo circumcision,r and it will be the sign of the covenants between me and you.[3] Then no Hebrew man could have intimate relations with anyone without revealing his covenant with God. Deuteronomy charges followers to wear a box as a sign of faith. But who is this a sign for? Is it for yourself or for others to see? The answer in our next Bible Nugget. Cathy and Danny Sartin Deeper Still Missions Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. h ch. 11:18; Prov. 3:3; 6:21; 7:3; See Ex. 13:9 [1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. 2001 (Dt 6:8). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society. [2] Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures(24–25). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. r Ex 12:48; Dt 10:16 s See Ge 9:12; Ro 4:11 [3] The New International Version. 2011 (Ge 17:11). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
I started to turn right onto the road as a walker came in front of the car. Walkers are everywhere in Africa. But this one caught my eye because of the live chicken under her right arm. Bags on her head, in her hands and the chicken peering from under her arm.
We become comfortable with Africa the longer we stay. At the same time we see things which clearly reflect the beauty and uniqueness of the Dark Continent. Cathy and I came over a small rise and sitting on the left side of the road was a cheetah. We stopped and he took no notice of us. He continued to scan the bush around us for any movement by others. Slowly the sleek cat walked toward the road and found a puddle of water to stop and drink. Every few seconds he would lift his head and turn all directions looking for prey. We took pictures and video as the beautiful animal refreshed himself. It was only us and the magnificent cat for an extended time. We could hardly believe what we were able to experience. Refreshed he walked past us and carefully disappeared into the bush. Cathy and I took a few days away to refresh ourselves in the Kruger National Park. It was a special birthday present for Cathy. We were able to see lions, leopards, rhino, elephants and buffalo on many occasions. We saw the big five several times over those wonderful few days. That included leopard cubs coming from their den to wait for their mother in the early morning light. Watching them play with one another. What a gift! Native Africans were astounded at our stories, pictures and the large number of special sightings we had during our visit. It is as if God gave us a special tour of His creation over that time. At the same time we have found ourselves connecting with the lives of numerous people everywhere we go. Cathy has spent time counseling, praying and caring for the hearts of several new friends. It seems we go nowhere without God connecting us with someone new. We went to a hair salon to get haircuts and the stylist sought additional time to talk further about life and the issues she faces. She said, God sent you to me today and I sensed it when you came in the shop. Out time with missionaries has been very interesting. One is having a wonderful time of growth and significant effectiveness. Another is under pressure with low funds, personnel issues and energy draining problems. A third is in a struggle with their mission agency. Most importantly most of them are overwhelmed with activity and wading through urgent matters on a continual basis. Tomorrow I preach at a small village church in Khanysani. I was deeply touched by their ministry to orphans in the area. I can’t wait to see them tomorrow. Cathy will be attending another church to connect with a lady who has sought her counsel. We would appreciate your specific prayers on Sunday. The next two weeks are full of counseling, teaching, training and preaching among various groups. Next weekend we travel several hours to conduct Bible Studies with pastors and speak in a very remote church. We are going with a missionary family on this trip. Thank you for the careful attention you give to our encouragement and spiritual stability. Those prayers you lift for us sustain our hearts during busy times physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Cathy and Danny Sartin A Kingdom Leader is able to rise above the congestion of activity to find solitude. That solitude is necessary for clarity in thinking. It allows time for a review of direction, goals and the setting of priorities. It provides quiet so you can focus. It also permits time for prayer which is power for a follower of Christ. It also gives you the resolve to say no to opportunities that are good but not best for you. Are you able to be alone . . . to take a deep breath each day and determine your priorities? Are you able to listen to God concerning your daily priorities? Can you say no to good opportunities in order to accomplish your purpose? Jesus did this early in the book of Mark when the disciples wanted him to return to a town where everyone was at the door. (v. 33) Mark 1:35-38 says, Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: Everyone is looking for you! Jesus replied; Let us go somewhere else - to the nearby villages – so I can preach there also. That is why I have come. (1) We understand that saying no is hard and we are praying for you. Cathy and Danny Sartin (1) The Holy Bible: New International Version. Electronic ed. Grand Rapids; Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S Mk 1:35-38 Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. Kingdom Leadership is written for missionaries and ministers serving our Lord in various parts of the world. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. A Kingdom Leader is aware of the fraud being used against him by the enemy. The spiritual forces of this world are individually focused in hand to hand combat with good leaders. Most importantly their style of competition is anchored in trickery and deception. They have each of us engaged in an intense struggle that can have surprising twists and turns. Are you aware of the deception being used to discourage the efforts of our Lord? Have your spirits been dampened by the struggle you face on a personal level. Are you easily entangled by sin? Do you understand the intense struggle you face with each wrestling match that comes your way? Are you just playing the game and not concerned about the great effort being used by the spiritual forces of this world? Paul says, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against lthe cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.(1) You should push back the darkness in your life. We are praying with you today. Cathy and Danny Sartin (1) The Holy Bible: The English Standard Version.2001 Electronic ed. Wheaton, Standard Bible Society, Ephesians 6:12 Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. Kingdom Leadership is written for missionaries and ministers serving our Lord in various parts of the world. Re-Prints Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this email in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. To unsubscribe just reply to this email with the subject unsubscribe. You can contact Deeper Still Missions at P.O. Box 343370 Bartlett, TN 38134. l See ch. 2:2 Cathy spend some focused time with ministry opportunities this week while I spoke to churches and leaders. Hear some of Cathy’s thoughts:
I sat listening to the broken heart of a mother as she wept over her daughter’s issues. She was a woman who came to Danny’s Bible Class at the Africa School of Missions last year and we had run into her while grocery shopping one day. She began to talk with me about her experience. She said everyone is telling her what to do and she is confused so she asked me to come to her house and talk with her. She was sure our chance meeting was a sign from God to her. I did meet with her and we talked and prayed and cried over all the issues with her daughter. It was hard for me to hear, but rewarding that God allowed me the privilege and opportunity to meet with her. We have been meeting regularly for prayer and encouragement because even her family members don’t agree with the boundaries she has put in place, and are giving her a very hard time. Many well-meaning people are judging and enabling her daughter to continue in sin and so prayer is much needed for this hurting mother. Today, I sat down after church where I attended with a Zulu mother and introduced myself. When I asked this lady about herself and family, it was clear that she was distressed and began to tell me about the man she has had living with her for over a year. He has promised marriage but has not followed through. I was able to help this woman to see that God’s plan was for her to live as He says in His Word, and that what she was doing by allowing this was not God’s plan for her. She seemed relieved after having such a restless spirit the last two days. She wants to meet again in the next few days to talk more. Please pray as we minister to these hurting women. Thoughts from Danny: I drove into the village of Tshaballa following Pastor Israel. We slowly climbed the hill and turned from one dirt road to a simple dirt path. The grass growing in the middle of the path reached over the bumpers and scrubbed the bottom of the car. I remember coming to this simple village several years earlier. A church building is now in progress beside the shack I committed to memory from the past. I greeted the pastor of this small church and warmed under his smile that I had seen before. I walked into the church with a concrete floor and gum poles for a frame. Thin pieces of wood made the walls with patchwork patterns depending on the type of wood. Each section seemed to have something different attached to the gum tree poles to complete an enclosure. A tin roof covered the building and provided shade from the sun. A string of single light bulbs hung from the rafters down the middle of the room. I sat down in a plastic chair and remembered the rooster who jumped on the open window to my left. When I preached earlier that rooster crowed for several minutes during the sermon. He burned a visual memory into my heart that day. Here I am again to open God’s Word with a wonderful group of Christ followers. Their acceptance, love and attention encouraged my heart. We noted the brothers of Jesus who did not believe in him (John 7:5) until after he rose from the dead. But then we focused on Paul and his experience in Lystra, the home of Timothy (Acts 14). Tradition pushed the people of the town to call Paul a god. Despite his words the people were determined to sacrifice to Paul and Barnabus. You could see nodding heads as I compared the experience in Lystra to the Sangomas (witch doctors) and Inyagas (medicine men) of the local villages. Was their faith truly in Christ or in traditions? I felt concern as I spoke the truth carefully and precisely. I cautiously wanted to shed light on the issues that plague their life but not condemn their internal struggle. I was deeply thankful when they spoke a chorus of amen. They did so repeatedly. The people of Africa love the Word of God. You can hear the pages of their Zulu Bibles flipping as we move from one scripture to another. The interpreter speaks Zulu after each sentence I complete. I read the Bible in English and he reads in Zulu. It seems laborious. But the people stay fixed on the story being highlighted. Children sit in their laps and toddlers occasionally walk from one row to another. But it is amazing how connected they are to God’s Word and the message. Cathy and I feel grateful for the opportunities that come our way. Continue to pray that we will listen well and speak the truth in love. Cathy and Danny Sartin |
Danny SartinFour decade veteran of youth ministry in churches, Youth For Christ and now is the Founder and Executive Director of Deeper Still Missions. Danny and his wife Cathy spend most of their time mentoring missionaries in Africa, Europe, Central America and North America. Future opportunities include South America and the Asia Pacific area. Archives
November 2023