![]() Report from Africa Amathunzi, South Africa We open our curtains early in the morning to a group of birds sitting in the trees and on the ground beside the cottage. Out front is always a Southern Red Bishop chirping and waiting for Cathy’s bird seed. These beautiful little birds look like an eleventh century bishop with the bright red cap of feathers on their head. Once Cathy broadcasts her seeds the birds gather by the dozens. It is like a scene out of the fairy tale movie Snow White. I think if we were here longer they would eat out of her hand. Almost every morning there are two Southern Red Bishops who measure themselves against one another. They lift their heads high to see who is the tallest. Unfortunately, the other birds are getting the seeds while they spar with one another. We chuckle as they posture for a position as king of the hill. The eagerness show by the birds for Cathy’s garden seeds is also shown by the young missionaries who are living at Amathunzi and ministering to farm worker children in the nearby farm schools. In seventy days, at their request, we have conducted thirty-five inductive Bible Studies. They have even requested to sit in on several of the missionary retreats as we opened the Word of God. It is like they don’t want to miss any seed of God’s truth. No observation is too small! No question too trivial! Their enthusiasm seems to never be satisfied. What a joy to serve them and share with them. There are times when we wish their excitement would be present in many others. Our world has become so marred with twisted truth and struggles for power. People have become lovers of themselves and lovers of money. Christ told us what the end times would be like. It is nice to see the power of the Word of God change lives today! Thank you for sending us on the mission field so these studies would be possible. The seeds are falling on fertile soil.
Many see the Word of God. . .few observe!
Guidance from God the Father is called the law! But it is also called His testimony, His precept, His commandment, His judgements that come from fear of the Lord. Certainly God's law is perfect and can restore your soul. He can make wise the simple. Most importantly the commandments of God have an affect on the heart of leaders. Psalm 19:8 (NIV) 8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.1
Consider the Word of God today and the light it is shining on your personal path. His comfort will give joy in the midst of these violent times. Cathy and Danny Sartin Deeper Still Missions __________________________ 2 Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 1, pp. 352–353). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. 1 The New International Version. (2011). (Ps 19:8). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Copyright © Danny Sartin. All Rights Reserved. Bible Nuggets are written for pastors, youth leaders and missionaries who desire to go deeper still in God’s Word. Re-Prints: Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this post in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. ![]() Falling Stars in Africa Amathunzi, South Africa Cathy and I stepped out into the inky darkness of Amathunzi and began our walk from the missionary’s home to our small cottage. It seems we have made the same walk hundreds of times over the last four years. Fifty yards from our cottage we stopped on the dirt road and turned out our flashlight. Instantly the sky exploded with millions of stars. I recognized the constellation Orion and the Southern Cross. Two planets were visible in the Western sky along with the dusting of the Milky Way arms across the full arch of the heavens. We held hands and marveled at God’s creation. It is a clear view of the starry sky that takes your breath away. Just then a meteorite hit the atmosphere and raced across the Southern arm of the Milky Way. Cathy in her small still voice said, God is here! There is no moment when He is not present, engaged and interested in our life. We squeezed each other’s hands in affirmation and delight. These last two months in Africa have been spectacular. We have seen flashes of the Lord working in our life and the hearts of many with four missionary retreats. Pictured above is Marisa and Ed Stuart of Cape Town, South Africa. Marisa visited our home in America back in 1992. She at the time was experiencing severe burnout from ministry. She lived with us for a month seeking a place of refuge and rest. We became lifelong friends. Marisa heard of our desire to conduct missionary retreats at Amathunzi with ministry leaders from Southern Africa. She immediately jumped at the chance to coordinate and host those events. She and Ed have cooked and served all the meals for those needy workers from so many places. She has pampered these missionaries! One said, so upon Arrival at Amathunzi we were yes warmly welcomed by the familiar faces of Rolf and Lizzie and Ed and Marisa. It felt different. When Marisa mentioned wow now you can fully enjoy and be served. That really brought such warmth in my heart. Another said, it’s hard to put into words just how much our time with Danny & Cathy has impacted our lives. Being involved in ministry now for over 45 years has layered our lives with a thick outer shell of caution. We have seen the best and worst of various kinds of leaders in both the secular and ministry arenas. Memories of the four years I had served as associate pastor at the previous church were still very fresh and the wounds still hurt. The light of Jesus has flashed in our hearts as people have rested, refreshed and renewed their call from God. There is nothing more spectacular Than seeing Him work! Thank you for the prayer that has facilitated these gatherings. Another retreat comes next weekend. ![]() A Kingdom Leader works hard to recognize the color-blind areas of thought, feelings and behavior of those who follow them. They recognize that many are not aware of their limited sight issue. It is normal to them. Jesus worked hard to help his disciples see the truth about his Messianic role and path. He told the disciples three times that he would die and rise from the dead! Their blindness prevented them from hearing this simple truth. They could not make the jump from knowledge to understanding because it did not make sense to them. They were color-blind to the message from Jesus. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" 1 Jesus healed this blind man to a blur to demonstrate how the disciples saw him. You do not see me clearly! Traditional ways of healing sight (spittle) had a limited affect. He required the blind man to look intently at him and his sight was restored. We pray that those who follow you will be healed from their blindness. We also pray that conditions that make your sight blurry will be lifted when you look intently at Jesus. Our society today is stumbling around in confusion. Patiently guide them to a safe place and attend to the blindness that has overcome them. Cathy and Danny Sartin www.deeperstillmissions.com 1 The New International Version. (2011). (Mark 8:23). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan __________________________________ Copyright © Danny Sartin. All Rights Reserved. Photos taken by Cathy and Danny Sartin in Africa. Kingdom Leadership is written for missionaries and ministers serving our Lord in various parts of the world. Re-Prints: Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this post in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. ![]() Report from Africa Amathunzi, Robertson, South Africa Pictured here are Jessica and Kristina from Germany. We first met these young ladies almost two years ago at the Amathunzi Game Reserve in South Africa. They came and gave fifteen months to be missionaries to little children at the farm schools nearby. This picture was taken on May 3, 2015 on a game drive. Cathy went along and enjoyed all the fun. Jessica calls this one of the happiest days of her life. The laughter, joking, playing around and smiles reflect those thoughts. What happened to make them so happy? Is it just youthful exuberance or is it something deeper? Jessica says that Amathunzi was cool from the beginning. It felt like home! Yes, it was a different culture and they lived in community with other students. But I learned the power of prayer here! The story of Amathunzi excited me! I realized the importance of prayer personally. This changed my spiritual life. Now I expect more from God! This experience helped her find the future. She wants to be here and build schools for these poor farm worker children. She wants to reach out and show the love of Jesus! Kristina came up with the idea of them returning recently. They had both returned to university for studies but a six-week break was coming. Kristina said let’s go back for those six weeks! Jessica initially said no because she didn’t have the money. God provided the funds and they came. I see so many changes since we left last December. The group has grown and is now reaching so many schools. The smile on her face said it all. Cathy asked Jessica about how the children were doing at school since their first visit? Do you see any change? Has there been any change in the boy’s behavior since they were beating on all the volunteers and the girls at school? The boys only see their father’s beating their mothers and getting drunk. They follow the examples of the adults around them. Jessica can see a significant change in the behavior of the kids. The boys no longer beat anyone. They are now experiencing the love that these young missionaries have been showing them and it is having a powerful effect. The change is spreading to teachers and other volunteers. Cathy and I see two changed lives in these young ladies. What a thrill to see them here for a school break instead of going on a holiday or vacation. This is the kind of change Jesus makes in our hearts, minds and souls. We praise God for His mighty work among all of us! We pray that he is working in you also and that you will experience the same joy today. . . . For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV) Cathy and Danny |
Danny SartinFour decade veteran of youth ministry in churches, Youth For Christ and now is the Founder and Executive Director of Deeper Still Missions. Danny and his wife Cathy spend most of their time mentoring missionaries in Africa, Europe, Central America and North America. Future opportunities include South America and the Asia Pacific area. Archives
November 2023