He looks really harmless as a youngster. The Hyena is a specialized scavenger created by God to consume any animal whether alive or dead. They like vultures, have strong stomach acids to completely digest flesh and bones. They leave nothing behind! Their powerful jaws can crush bone, rip sinew and devour every part of an animal. A group of hyenas can devour an entire Zebra and leave no leftovers, not even the bones, in under a half hour. Their vicious nature makes them a threat to each other when feeding. They fight with each other over the remains, ripping and clawing one another. Hyena are cannibals and will attack and eat other hyenas including their young. Satan desires to devour us in the same manner. He doesn't wish to just wound us, confuse us or send us in a wayward path. He seeks to destroy us and leave nothing behind. 1 Corinthians 10:12 (ESV) 12 Therefore vlet anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. Do you think Satan will ignore you? Like the hyena, Satan is relentless. He is just waiting for you to stumble. Then the feeding frenzy will begin. Cathy and Danny Sartin www.deeperstillmissions.com _________________________ v Rom. 11:20; [2 Pet. 3:17] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (1 Co 10:12). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.Copyright © Danny Sartin. All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Safaris are written for those who support Deeper Still Missions and its goal of missionary retention. Re-Prints: Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this post in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions.
We drove on the dirt road headed to Amathunzi. It has been a familiar home for us in South Africa for the past few years. We passed by the game reserve and went down the hill to a valley of vineyards owned and operated by the Roux families. The father, Yohann, had felt a strong call from God to provide facilities for volunteers working with farm children and a home for missionaries Rolf and Lizzie Weichardt. They were moving from Amathunzi in January of 2018. Memories have been deep and touching in the past few years as we have hosted many missionaries at Amathunzi. The animals which live on the reserve have become fixtures in our hearts and minds. It had become a place for ministry leaders to rest, renew and refocus their call from God. Here we drove up to a former storage building that has been renovated to house ministry leaders and volunteers. We walked into a flat that had been completed only weeks ago with a nice bed, small kitchen, shower and bathroom. This is to be our home for the next two months. The building is nested with a vineyard to the West and an orchard to the East. There is a small gravel drive between our porch and the vineyard. Workers drive by our flat continually completing tasks in the fields and pruning the vines for next years harvest. Yesterday they were sorting olives near us. The thrilling atmosphere has been one of great joy for the Roux family. They are excited to be engaged with the ministry. The volunteers from Germany have become like grand children for the older parents. Laughter, smiles, a few pranks with the volunteers and the sharing of meals is the norm. You can see and feel the movement of the Spirit of God in this Robertson Valley. The son Yohan pointed out the Life Application Bible on his kitchen counter. He said, "I read it every day!" Most importantly the rains have returned. This drought and parched area of the Western Cape is now being soaked. Pray as we minister to the missionaries, volunteers, farm families and workers. What a joy to be nestled among the mountains and in the vineyards of Le Chasseur. Cathy and Danny Sartin www.deeperstillmissions.com. _________________________ Copyright © Danny Sartin and Deeper Still Missions. All Rights Reserved. This on the field report is written for those who support Deeper Still Missions and our goal of missionary retention. Re-Prints: Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this post in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. A Kingdom Leader is an encouragement to others around them. They share positive thoughts, ideas and resources with their ministry team. They notice the needs of others and attempt to come alongside and help provide those needs. A Kingdom Leader is not consumed with their agenda and goals. He carefully considers the feelings and needs of everyone on the ministry team. When someone is caught in the middle of sharp disagreements this leader comes privately and listens to the heart of each person. Acts 4:36–37 (ESV) 36 Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means tson of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, 37 sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and ulaid it at the apostles’ feet. The ministry of Barnabas was extraordinary among the Apostles. They gave him the name Barnabas because of his encouraging behavior and manners. What would others say of you? Do you notice the needs of others and find ways to fulfill those needs? Find someone to encourage today! Cathy and Danny Sartin www.deeperstillmissions.com _________________________ t [Mark 3:17] u ver. 35 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (Ac 4:36–37). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles. Copyright © Danny Sartin. All Rights Reserved. Photos taken by Cathy and Danny Sartin in Africa.Kingdom Leadership is written for missionaries and ministers serving our Lord in various parts of the world. Re-Prints: Deeper Still Missions devotionals are protected by international copyright laws. To request reprint permission contact the offices of DSM. Permission is granted and encouraged to forward this post in its entirety to others without making any changes or deletions. |
Danny SartinFour decade veteran of youth ministry in churches, Youth For Christ and now is the Founder and Executive Director of Deeper Still Missions. Danny and his wife Cathy spend most of their time mentoring missionaries in Africa, Europe, Central America and North America. Future opportunities include South America and the Asia Pacific area. Archives
November 2023